As I stood in the middle of my living room on July 31st over-watering my plants in preparation for vacation, I stopped and looked around at all the green surrounding me in awe and gratitude. Here we are halfway and a month’s worth of change into 2020 and what a season of growth it has been, not just for the plants in my living room, but for myself!
Over the last two years, I have made a vision board for the start of each new year and this year I put this picture (below) of houseplants on my vision board. For years I have intended to bring more houseplants into our home. Not only for the aesthetically pleasing nature but for the health benefits of purifying the air inside our home, among others. And here I was, standing in my living room and turning round and round and counting how many I could see from one point in my house.
If you’re curious, the answer is 27. Yes, 27 different pots or containers of plants, and I had only moved 3 of them into that room to get better light while we were on vacation. At the beginning of January, I had 4 plants in my home. Even more amazing, I only bought 2 new plants this year! The rest have been offshoots of existing plants and gifts, mostly more offshoots from my mom’s established plants. Although, I admit a few towards that count are a couple of lettuce sprouts (that most likely won’t make it) and a few herb sprouts in the window sill. It’s amazing to me how it seems to be that if our goals are in alignment with our true selves and who we are called to be, they seem to come to fruition before our eyes. Just me?
The rather rapid growth of my houseplants also seems symbolic of my growth, and this great season of growth that I think we are all invited to enter into. I had every intention of taking a larger pause at the beginning of July, truly halfway through 2020, but July seemed to come and go in a flash. I am humbled, amazed, and grateful, that so many of my 2020 goals and aspirations have either already come to fruition or the seeds have been planted and I’m tending to the sprouts of those dreams now.
In April, I began a pretty unique and incredible business training and collaboration with like-minded doTERRA Wellness Advocates to support each other in growing our businesses. We’ve been learning, growing as humans, developing our mindset, and our business skills over the last several months. Growing in lifelong friendships as we support each other across the country. It’s already been an invaluable experience and we’re not even halfway through the program year yet. Truly, it’s the best thing I have done for my personal growth and my business.
That’s why I was also standing there in my living room so grateful because earlier that evening I did a happy dance all around the house with my three year old. I hit some major milestones in one branch of my health and wellness business during July and I was so excited, and a little in awe of myself, if I am honest. We often hold ourselves back by our mindset, but last month I had a determination like never before to qualify for a special opportunity in my business.
Bringing it back to those plants in my living room, I also stood there so grateful that over the last 6 or so months, I have created a living room and a space that I enjoy being in. I used to dislike being in our living room so much. Now it’s full of greenery, life, pictures, paintings, and sacred art that remind me of all things wholesome and good. It’s a very grounding space for me now, where we gather for family prayer (if we aren’t able to attend church in person during this pandemic) and personal prayer, where we read and laugh and create memories together.
Similarly to how I am cultivating our physical environment to help us be rooted and refreshed, I am learning to more carefully cultivate my mental and spiritual environment. As I mentioned, I truly believe this is a season of growth for so many of us and so we need to be mindful of what we are “sowing” in our hearts, minds, and relationships.
So I write this to encourage and challenge you a little bit, is there an area of your life (or maybe several) that you feel called to grow in during this unprecedented season? And what will help you to be rooted during this time? What do you need to simplify?
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